Tear Aid App

Available on the
App Store

Android App on
Google Play
Available on the
App StoreAndroid App on
Google PlayUsing Tear Aid to repair items instead of replacing them, you can save money, AND you can help support the planet - both at the same time!
Tear Aid PSA Adhesive Tape is the ideal repair solution for all natural and man-made materials - INCLUDING PVC and VINYL.
Tear Aid is a versatile and extremely strong adhesive that when applied with care, can produce an almost invisible repair on your most precious household items and your most pricey company assets.
We have thrived for many years on single use “take, make and dispose” principles involving extracting resources, making products, using them once or only for a short time, and then disposing of them in landfill.
The time has come to become less tolerant of waste produced by the “throwaway society” and more conscious of extending the life of existing items.
With a minor lifestyle adjustment, we can easily reduce the demand on our precious resources.
And our cherished possessions?
No more loving them then losing them - Tear Aid will repair them all.
Tear Aid is versatile, it’s strong, it's easy to use, and unlike other repair solutions - it won’t let you down.
If you need help, or have any suggestions, email us at tearaid@thenorthpoleshoppe.com.au We'd love to hear from you. If you like our product, and are happy with our service, please post a review on our app.